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What to Expect After Receiving Cheek Fillers

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The end result of a cheek filler can be so striking, and so effective—that you might wonder how intensive the process actually is. It's really not a case of no pain, no gain. You may be surprised to learn how uncomplicated the procedure is.

Biocompatible Acids

It can even be misleading to say that cheek fillers involve a procedure, which suggests surgery. These fillers are typically derived from biocompatible acids (polylactic or hyaluronic acid) and are simply injected into your skin.

No Sedation Required

Because all that's required is an injection, no sedation is needed. For some patients, a mild topical anaesthetic can be applied to the skin to numb it, but this is by no means essential and is only generally required for sensitive skin. 

No Real Aftereffects

Even when a topical anaesthetic is needed, there are no real after effects. You don't need to have someone accompany you for the procedure, and you can safely drive yourself home afterwards. Remember that there's no sedative effect.

Straight Back to Work (for Most People)

Most patients can return to work immediately after their cheek filler has been applied. However, there are some relevant issues that must be considered:

  • The site of the injection may be slightly inflamed, and therefore noticeable. Depending on the nature of your employment, you may not wish anyone to see these injection marks, which should not be covered with makeup (as you may irritate your skin).
  • It's best to let the filler material settle as much as possible, avoiding excess stimulation. If your work involves strenuous physical labour, it may affect the results of your filler. In this case, you might want to take the rest of the day off work. 

Leave Your Filler Alone

To help your new filler settle as expected, don't push or prod your face after the filler has been applied. You may in fact diminish the intended effect. Your face must be treated fairly delicately for a few days to aid the settling process.


You will be advised about the most appropriate skincare methods and products while your filler is settling. Exfoliating or other forms of vigorous rubbing can be unwise, and the same can apply to harsh astringents (skin cleansers). Abstaining from these methods and products will only be temporary.


You'll also need to be mindful of your new fillers overnight and avoid sleeping on your cheeks. You don't have much control over this, so it can be a good idea to use a travel neck pillow for a few nights. This wraps around your neck while you sleep and helps to keep you from rolling onto your cheek.

You will be given more precise instructions at the time of your procedure, but remember that the whole process is exceptionally straightforward, and all you need to do is take a few precautions to help your filler settle.

Reach out to a company like Body Dezign House for more details.
