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Critical Aspects for Beginners to Know About Rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty, also called a 'nose job', has become the go-to nose surgery procedure for patients who desire facial harmony. The surgical procedure, performed by a professional, helps your nose sit proportionally with other facial features. Since rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure, the healing process takes time. However, patients can reduce the healing time by managing bruising and swelling as recommended by a surgeon. Read on to learn more about rhinoplasty and how it enhances facial appearance and boosts confidence.

Rhinoplasty Explained

Rhinoplasty is performed for cosmetic reasons to restructure and reshape the nose. Patients seek the procedure because of an oversized, crooked or misaligned nose that appears out of balance compared to other facial features. Since the nose is at the centre of your face, any imperfections can divert attention from other parts. Most importantly, rhinoplasty ensures the correct alignment of the nose to bring it into harmony with the face. Thus, the procedure improves appearance while boosting confidence levels.

Types of Rhinoplasty 

There are three main types of rhinoplasty, including open, closed and tip plasty. The former is performed when a patient needs extensive nose reshaping. For a surgeon to access internal nasal structures, they make a minor incision between the nostrils under the nasal tip. The small incision implies that the chances of scarring are minimal since the marks are often hidden in the natural nose contours. Conversely, closed rhinoplasty is done on patients who require minor nose adjustments. An incision is made inside the nostril to access nose structures, leaving the outer skin untouched. Notably, patients don't have to worry about significant scarring after the procedure. Lastly, when you only want to reshape the nasal tip and not the rest of the nose, you can opt for a tip plasty, which can be either open or closed. 

More Than a Cosmetic Function 

Besides improving aesthetics and confidence levels, rhinoplasty plays a functional role in enabling a patient to breathe better. A congenital deformity or trauma from an accident can cause the central pillar of the nose (nasal septum) to misalign. When correcting the pillar through surgery in what is termed nasal septoplasty, medical experts may also perform rhinoplasty simultaneously to improve the appearance of the nose and the breathing function. Therefore, patients should view cosmetic rhinoplasty as more than a procedure for enhancing facial aesthetics only.

Contact a cosmetic surgery clinic like Mediluxx Elements to learn more.   
